
Friday 28 May 2021

Science - EVS - Food from Plants - Part 3 - Activity

A simple activity to revise the learning.

The above video is 'Part - 3' of the topic 'Food from Plants'.

A simple, interesting and colourful activity.



Science - EVS - Food from Plants - Part 2 - Practical learning

Food from Plants - Practical learning -
Root, Stem, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables 

Food from Plants - Practical learning -

This is how we arranged all the food items from plants and tried to learn which part of the plant it belongs to.

The above videos are 'Part - 2' of our learning process.

The practical learning.



Science - EVS - Food from Plants - Part 1 - Theory

Food from Plants - Theory - 
Root, Stem, Leaf, Vegetables

Food from Plants - Theory -
Flowers, Seeds

'Food from plants' is an interesting topic. 
The food we eat is coming from different parts of plants and trees.

The above videos are 'Part - 1' of our learning process. 

Learning it theoretically with a simple drawing and explanation.



Saturday 22 May 2021

Friday 21 May 2021

EVS - Mother Earth - Natural Resources under the earth

Teaching aid / Craft

Part 1 

Making of the Craft - Natural Resources from 
under the Earth

Part 2 

Understanding their uses

Made this wonderful teaching aid / craft along with Darsh. It explains what we get from below the earth's surface. 

The resources Mother Earth provides us with, are amazing.



EVS - Animal Kingdom - Craft - Dog

We made a kennel out of a packaging cover and Darsh did a show and tell on it.



Thursday 20 May 2021

Craft - Homemade play dough - play dough galatta - Solar system

Made our own play dough with maida (all purpose flour).

Created solar system and aliens from the planets !



Wednesday 19 May 2021

Story - Camping in tent - Story telling - Two friends

We set up a camp place with a tent and his toys inside. Read a book and narrated a story too.

Cosy, Warm and Fun!



Game - Concentration and Observation skills

Made this game for him with chart paper and cardboard. Pattern assembling. 

He plays it often !!



Monday 17 May 2021

EVS - GK - Craft - Best out of waste - The Tribal Life

Part 1 : The making of Tribal life

Part 2 : Explanation and Fun

Fun time...

Learnt about tribes by creating a little tribal life..
Who are they, where they live, what they wear, what they eat, how they hunt, how they dance... we learnt them all by playing with them... 

Beat out of waste activity too... with just newspapers, paper plates, packaging papers, etc... 



Thursday 13 May 2021

Science - EVS - Sink or Float

Does the object sink or float...

Find it out !



Science - EVS - Art - Paint with Ice

It was fun and easy... 

Make colourful ice and paint with them !



Wednesday 12 May 2021

Art - Wonders with Hand Prints

Got his hands messy and tried to create a few things with hand prints.



Tuesday 11 May 2021

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Game - Memory game - Things in the box

A simple memory game with things at home and a carton box. 



Tuesday 4 May 2021

GK - World Mapology - Countries Capitals Flags

Got this puzzle of World map for him.

Identifying many countries, their capitals and their flags became easy and interesting.



EVS - Parts of a Tree / Plant - Nature walk - Colouring activity

Part 1 - Parts of a tree / plant - Nature Walk

Part 2 - Parts of a tree / plant - Colouring activity

We learnt the different parts of a tree and plants with a nature walk and an interesting activity. 

Made the learning enjoyable and interesting.

